Thursday, 4 August 2016

a spanking...

Do you need a spanking?


Ştefana Cristina Czeller said...

Nu. I need knoledge and truth.

Pygar said...

I think we all need knowledge and truth Vampir!


Bleue D'âme said...

To live?
Probably not.
But its one of those things that hurts to heal for me :-P ;-P

Pygar said...

Thank you Bleue D'âme.

I am not sure I fully understand you though. I understand that sometimes healing can hurt. Are you suggesting that for you spanking can be part of a healing process?

P xx

Bleue D'âme said...

Yes, Pygar. I was joking, but sure a spanking can be healing, there is lots of succor to be found in the kink, non?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do. The part that I need most is the intention in the mind that drives the hand that strikes. I need that.

So much so it borders on desperation at times.

Pygar said...

Well - not enjoying receiving a spanking myself I suppose that was part of what I was wanting to find out from responses to this post!

P xx

Pygar said...

Oops, last comment from me was to Bleue D'âme.

Thank you too little monkey. Sorry your comment came through as I was writing.

If I understand you rightly rather than the experience of the spanking itself, it is the dominance or even 'sadism' of the spanker that you crave so strongly. Is that right?

P xx

Jz said...


I might miss them some when I'm not getting any, but need? No.

Pygar said...

Thanks Jz.

Then if you miss them when you aren't getting any - what is that if not a need?

(PS I hope you are getting enough not to be missing them too much at the moment!)


P xx

DM said...

I know when they are gone and no prospect of another,yes, need is indeed what one feels. The connection at a base level of humanity.Why do any of us crave TTWD? Why is the desire so strong? Why is there a peace and calming that comes from a firm hand on the tush?
Need? Yes please!

Jz said...

It's a liking.
I like cookies, too... but I don't need them.
(despite appearances, ahem)

Pygar said...

Mmmm Jz - so you only need a spanking as much as you need cookies. That much eh!


P xx

Pygar said...

Thanks Dani

That very strong desire sounds very close to a need. "The connection at a base level of humanity."

It sounds like an extremely strong desire - but a real "need". What happens I wonder when you haven't had a spanking for some time? How does your body and mind react to that?

And is it the connection with TTWD that creates the need? That seems to fit in with little monkey's comment earlier in the thread. She too describes that her need "... borders on desperation at times."

Thanks for joining in the discussion.

P xx

willie said...

Hmm how to word this, I NEED dominance. In our house, often submitting to a spanking is the ultimate form of submission. Why? Because physically I do not LIKE spankings. Mentally, they clear my brain, empty my head, and God only knows why, brings down those proverbial walls. We rarely " play " (oh there is that word again *wink*) in what might seem the traditional BDSM way with spanking (too complicated to explain here). Spankings are either punishment or what I refer to as resets (think smacking the side of an old snowy television to get a clear picture). So to answer your question, reluctantly I suppose I'd have to say yes. I don't 'crave' them as some others do. I think of them more like medicine. Something I tolerate, and benefit from. There is nothing that works better for me, without them eventually my skin seems too tight.


Pygar said...

Thanks willie.

I guess for you that if you liked them then it would not be a submissive act. I think that for many it helps them feel their own submission or they get satisfaction in the dominance of their partner. This chimes with some of the other comments above.

Though I guess there are those like Jz who claim not to need it - but who do actually like it - like cookies!

Thanks again for adding to the discussion.

P x